Run with the Hare

by Jemma Leigh Rose

In the bleached heat of day, I awaken

from a dream of wildfires burning in

God’s palm, stolen land stitched together by

charred scars—awaken to another dream

where I am embedded, dislocated

soaked dense: an amnion for the living

& dead. I lay afloat with hollowed bones

wait for someone to take me out to dry

under the errant sky & become air

& light like the fragrance of sage, which dies

in streets. O to live for dusk when the sun

cracks on the saguaro spines in hues of wounds

& I, prickly-pear red, weep as the night

descends over the mountains—an empty

chapel—where my throat thirsts for communion

to consume the softest body & be

consumed so we are whole again, full like

the moon I swallow with a hungering

mouth of obscurity. Run with the hare

escape the coyotes, let this body

be destroyed, husk & hide, where my rapt eyes

see through the empty ram’s skull, a mirage

a copper haze others called death, or dawn.

Jemma Leigh Roe has poems and artwork published or forthcoming in The Journal, Fugue, Iron Horse Literary Review, Blood Orange Review, Lunch Ticket, EcoTheo Review, and others. She received her PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures from Princeton University. More of her work can be found at jemmaleighroe.com.